Упр.I Модуль 1 Test Booklet ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс
I В популярном журнале вы прочитали следующее:
"Пришлите нам рассказ об вашем учителе из начальной школы, который запомнился вам больше всего.
Объясните, почему вы так хорошо помните его.
Победитель выиграет новый iPod!"
Напишите свой рассказ для конкурса (120-180 слов). Вы можете использовать план ниже.
Решение #
I first met Mrs Ackerman on my first day of school. I was a bit anxious, as I had just changed schools and didn’t know any of my classmates.
Little did I know then, that Mrs Ackerman would become my all-time favourite teacher.
Mrs Ackerman was middle-aged, but looked much younger because of her freckled face and rosy cheeks. She never wore make-up, and dressed in casual clothing. Amazingly, she looked more like a college student than a teacher!
Mrs Ackerman also had a wonderfully warm personality. She was supportive and always encouraged us to try and do our best. Her lessons were never boring, as her classes were always filled with interesting things to do. We would sing songs, write stories, have puppet shows and every Friday we had storytelling day.
I will always remember Mrs Ackerman, as she taught me the love of learning, something I will always be thankful for.
Приведем выдержку из задания из учебника Юлия Ваулина, Джунни Дули 11 класс, Просвещение:
Which person
39 was misunderstood by a neighbour?(C)
40 seems more likely to move somewhere else?(D)
41 has a problem which is not directly related to their neighbour? (B)
42 has a neighbour who interferes in their social life? (A)
43 got something different to what they expected? (D)
44 had to get used to a new reality? (C)
I You have read the following in a popular magazine:
"Send us a description of the teacher you remember most from primary school.
Explain why you remember him/her so well.
The winning entry wins a brand-new iPod!"
Write your description for the competition (120—180 words). You may use the plan below to help you.
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